How To Apply Acoustic Wall Insulation

As part of a home or office remodelling project, you might be advised by an acoustical consultant to take steps to sound proof the separating walls between your property and your neighbours'.  This is especially important if you run a business that generates noise, such as a pet grooming or hairdressing concern.  Here's a quick guide on how to insulate a separating wall.

Insulating a separating wall

  1. Begin by lifting any carpet or underlay to expose the floor boards.  
  2. Check the floorboards closest to the dividing wall and repair any gaps by using silicon sealant.  Loose or squeaking floorboards should be nailed or screwed firmly into place.  
  3. Next, you will need to reveal the joint between the ceiling and the plasterboard.  Look over the joint to make sure it is tight.  If there are any gaps, seal them with a thick bead of silicone sealant.  
  4. Now fix timber battens to the ceiling, leaving a gap of approximately 20mm between the batten and the ceiling, screwing the battens into the ceiling joists.  Fill the gap with a thick bead of silicone sealant.  
  5. Leaving a 20mm gap between the floor and the neighbouring wall, screw timber battens to the floor.  Apply a line of silicone sealant to fill the void.  
  6. Your next job is to fix timber battens to the side walls, again leaving a 20mm gap between the batten and the wall.  As in the previous few steps, fill in the gap with silicone beading.  
  7. Now fix timber battens vertically at approximately 400mm centres to form a framework against the stud wall.  
  8. Next take squares of 50mm thickness rockwool insulation and fix it between the timber battens and the stud wall.  
  9. Apply two layers of sound-block plasterboard on top of the battens and seal around the edges with silicone beading.  
  10. Now paint your new wall and finish off by fitting new coving to the corner between the new wall and the stud.  
  11. To complete your new soundproof wall, re-fit the underlay and carpeting.

In conclusion

If you're undertaking a home or business remodelling project, you may be advised by an acoustical consultant that you need to soundproof the wall between your premises and your neighbour's.  If you're good at DIY, you could carry out the work yourself by following the guidelines above.  Alternatively, hire a local contractor to carry out the work for you under as per the advice of your acoustical consultant.
