A Guide To The Australian Partner Visa

A partner visa permits the spouse or de facto partner of an Australian citizen to visit and live in Australia. Below is everything you need to know about the Australian partner visa. 

There are two types of partner visas. Subclass 820 is a temporary partner visa while subclass 801 is a permanent visa. Typically, you will need to apply for the temporary visa before seeking the permanent permit. People that need a partner visa should meet the following qualifications: 

  • You must be in a bona fide relationship with an Australian citizen, permanent resident or eligible New Zealand resident.
  • The applicant should not have a previous visa cancellation.
  • You must be at least 18 years of age.
  • You should not have a contagious disease that might endanger the lives of Australian citizens.
  • The applicant should be a person of good character. 
  • If you have a child, the department will examine the needs and best interests of your child.

Your spouse must meet the sponsor qualifications. For instance, he or she should not have sponsored someone else on a similar visa. Further, the sponsor should have sufficient funds to support your stay in Australia. If the sponsor has been accused of sexual crimes, the immigration department will inform the applicant. 

An immigration lawyer will help with the application process. For instance, he or she will inform you of the documents required to apply for the visa. The immigration department will conduct thorough research to establish the authenticity of your relationship. As such, the lawyer will help you organise your evidence. For instance, you may need your marriage certificate, financial records showing that you own joint property, photos and statements from close friends and family. The agent will also prepare you for interviews with the department. He or she will tell you the questions you should expect and how you should answer these questions. He or she will ensure your case officer conducts the interview professionally. The agent will ask for breaks and clarifications to ensure you do not contradict yourself when answering the questions. If the department rejects your application, the agent will appeal on your behalf. Once you get an approval, he or she will follow up with the department to ensure you get a permanent visa.

A partner visa allows you to enjoy the benefits of Australian citizens and permanent residents. You can work, study and apply for medical insurance. You must follow Australian laws. Otherwise, the visa could be revoked.
