Tips On Preparing For That All-Important Interview

Competition for jobs in the current economic climate is tough, and no matter how well-qualified you are, you still need something extra to give you an edge over other applicants.  Here are some tips to help you get that job.

Career coaching

So, you've got your degree; now what are you going to do with it in the jobs market?  If you're uncertain about which career choice to make, investing in a few sessions with a professional career coach will be worth it in the long run.  A career coach will look at your career to date, your interests, experiences and skills before using this information to help you decide what you could be doing and how to get there.   

Advice from a recruitment consultant

Another professional you should have a chat with is a recruitment consultant.  They have a good, in-depth knowledge of the job market and the skills and abilities that are currently in demand.  A good recruitment consultant will be able to study your CV and tell you just what roles you may be suited to and how to go about applying for one.

A CV and social media makeover

Your CV is like your shop window as far as a recruiter is concerned.  This is the first impression potential employers get of you and of what you have to offer so it's crucial to get it right.  Every few years you should give your CV a makeover; update it with any new skills or qualifications you've achieved and keep it fresh.  It's worth investing in a professionally written CV that can be tailored to each individual job application you make.  Keep your social media presence up to date too.

Interview Training

Whilst it's true to say that some people naturally interview better than others, interview skills can be learnt and improved upon.  Many recruitment consultants offer interview training, but you can still benefit from asking a friend to conduct a mock interview to help you practice some of your answers and get into the interview groove.


Take a hard copy of your CV with you to your interview just in case the interviewer does not have one to hand.  A pen and paper are also useful just in case you want to make any notes.  If there's something in particular you want to show the interviewer and it's online, take a laptop or tablet with you or call to ask beforehand if a computer will be available for you to use.

In conclusion

Preparation is very important and it shows too.  People are impressed to see that you've made an effort to be as prepared and ready for your interview as you could be; this job is important to you and you care.  Follow the tips given above when attending an interview with an employer or employment agency to make sure you stand out from the crowd.
